Deep Thoughts by Jen

Leaders Who Fall

March 5, 2015
Falling Leadership

There are count­less arti­cles about Leadership… What Makes a Great Leader Pas­sion vs Emo­tional Leadership 7 Ways to not be THAT Leader Etc., etc.… But no mat­ter the account­abil­ity arti­cles nor the self-building ideas — lead­ers fall. It has noth­ing to do with race, gen­der, nor location. Lead­ers fall. Since August, Old­man and I have been learn­ing about var­i­ous lead­ers through­out the world and cen­turies who became lead­ers …

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A Toast to 43

March 5, 2015
Toast to 43

It’s my birth­day tomor­row. I’ll be 43. I think that num­ber sounds nice. Now that I’m solidly set­tled into my 40s, I’m com­fort­able in this sec­tion of the uphill por­tion of the old geezer moun­tain. I find myself in a place of enjoy­ing my blessings. So my bless­ings right now: My word for the year is Tenac­ity — (which on a total side note…the visual for that …

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2015 Word – Tenacity

March 5, 2015

The first time I heard of this One Word trend, I actu­ally blew it off. I mean, who in their right mind could ever pick just ONE word for an entire year?! Can’t be done! Then another year went by and I read posts from friends all over the inter­net shar­ing their one word. Some seemed so deep and thought­ful. Oth­ers seemed like they were try­ing just a …

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